Enabling Masterplan 2025:
Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
"The overall goal of the Enabling Masterplan is to contribute to the enhancement of the implementation of the CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) at regional level, building an inclusive community where independence, freedom of choice, and full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in all areas of life are realised and sustained. The Enabling
Masterplan aims to achieve equality and high quality of life for persons with disabilities, their family members, personal assistants and caregivers, where applicable."
Read the full document here: asean.org/storage/2018/11/ASEAN-Enabling-Masterplan-2025-Mainstreaming-the-Rights-of-Persons-with-Disabilities.pdf
Super proud to be a part of this, working with the group of super talents, Shian on the character design, Doreen Soon on the and script and Evon Loh on the voice over.
This short animation was made in the aim of promoting and spreading awareness to the Enabling Masterplan. We hope our little animation can help spread the idea that persons with disabilities should have equal rights like everyone else and with the right infrastructure in place, they can contribute so much more to give to society.
Client: ASEAN
Executive Producer: Lim Puay Tiak
Producer: Amy Lim
Director: Nick Teo
Animator: Nick Teo
Additional Animation: Chow Ming Hui
Script Writer: Doreen Soon
Character Design: Shian (shiaaan.com)
Voiceover Talent: Evon Loh